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"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly" 


                                                 Chuang Tzu

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Introducing Myself


I am a registered integrative psychotherapist with extensive experience in working for different mental health services. 
I have trained and worked within the NHS Maudsley Hospital, the Institute of Psychiatry and their local IAPT services (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) in which I provided counselling to individuals experiencing depression, generalised anxiety, interpersonal difficulties, grief and stress. 


During my training as a psychotherapist, I have also worked for LAPIS (London Accessible Psychotherapy Independent Service), a charity service that offers an accessible therapy service to individuals with chronic health conditions or disabilities as well as support for their carers and family members. 

Since 2015 I have been working within the private mental health sector, providing support to inpatients experiencing acute mental distress. 

Home: About Therapy

About Therapy

Forest Trees

I consider therapy as a journey that will help you to get to know yourself better to improve your quality of life. Therapy is a process of growth and self-discovery which can promote positive transformation by adopting new attitudes of looking at life, your relationship towards yourself and others. 
I work on the premise that every individual can thrive and achieve self-actualisation. 

With everything that is going on in the world today, a sense of uncertainty may arise which can put a strain in our mental health. It is important, particularly through this difficult time, that we bring more self-awareness to how we are feeling, our thoughts and how these can affect our behaviour and relationships. Therapy can offer a safe and non-judgmental space to explore these.

I aim to provide a confidential, warm, empathic and reflective space where you can safely explore your current difficulties and discover your inner strengths to help you achieve personal development and have a positive change in your life and current relationships.

I tailor my way of working according to the individual's needs as I believe that everyone is unique, using different therapeutic approaches and schools of thought to understand your concerns and therapeutic goals. I integrate humanistic (Person Centred) and Existential principles along with psychodynamic approaches, placing a strong focus on the importance of our therapeutic relationship.

I offer therapy for different types of personal difficulties such as low self esteem, depression, relationship difficulties, generalised anxiety, stress and worries, anger and grief.

Home: About Therapy

Background & Memberships

BSc Psychology

I graduated with a BSc Psychology in 2009 and I became a Graduate Member of the British Psychological Association (BPS).

Register number 395786


MSc Mental Health Studies


In 2013, I  completed a MSc in Mental Health Studies at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.

MSc Counselling Psychology

I also completed an MSc in Counselling Psychology and became a Registered Accredited Member of the British  Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP, 382171).


Being a registered member of the BACP certifies that I work ethically and abide to professional guidelines which includes regular supervision of my work with clients. 

Home: Credentials

Getting in touch 

Are you looking to start therapy but have some questions or concerns?

I offer a 10-minute introductory chat where we can discuss any queries you may have.

This is a great opportunity for us to get to know each other and for you to understand if therapy is right for you.

Contact me to schedule your chat today.


Thanks for submitting!

Home: Contact




 Borough High Street

London SE1 1LL

Nearest stations: Borough and London Bridge.




Home: Hours


Weekly 50 Minute Session

Each session is £70

BUPA Registered Member 



As a registered Bupa member, I am pleased to inform you that I am currently accepting referrals.

Please feel free to contact me to learn more. 


Home: Price List

Mental Health Support in a Crisis

If you need urgent support and you would like to talk to someone, please contact the Samaritans free and anytime on:  

116 123  or TEXT SHOUT: 85258 (UK-wide). 


Alternatively, please contact your GP,  or go to your local  A&E,  they can refer you to a liaison psychiatry service or local crisis resolution and home treatment team (CRHT).

Home: Headliner


Sobre mi y mi experiencia

Soy psicoterapeuta registrada en el Reino Unido bajo BACP basada en el centro de Londres. Llevo trabajando en servicios de salud mental hace más de ocho años.

Ofrezco apoyo a adultos con problemas de ansiedad, depresión, inquietudes sociales y emocionales, dificultades relacionadas con el apego, autoestima, duelo por pérdida de un ser querido o ruptura familiar.


Sobre la terapia

Comenzar la terapia es desalentador. Entiendo que puede ser difícil confiar tus pensamientos y sentimientos en un extraño. Por lo tanto, ofrezco una llamada gratis exploratoria para que puedas decidir mejor si te sientes cómodo hablando conmigo y si mi enfoque te conviene. No hay obligación de comenzar la terapia, esa decisión es completamente tuya.


Con la psicoterapia podrás ganar una nueva perspectiva sobre ti mismo y perspicacia en tu existencia. Eso te permitirá explorar nuevas opciones y hacer diferentes elecciones, y te ayudará a manejar mejor los desafíos de la vida, tanto hoy como en el futuro.

En mi trabajo uso una amplia combinación de perspectivas que incluye teorías de psicodinámica, humanista y existencial así como técnicas y conocimientos de varias otras escuelas psicológicas y de pensamiento.  

En cada sesión encontrarás un ambiente confidencial, calmo, seguro donde ser escuchado y donde tu puedas desarrollar nuevas formas de relacionarse con la vida y con las personas. Cada sesión dura 50 minutos y por lo menos nos reunimos una vez por semana.



Mi consultorio queda cerca a la estación de tren de London Bridge y a unos minutos de la estación de Borough. Hay varias rutas de buses disponibles como 343, 45, 133, 333. 

También ofrezco psicoterapia en linea por medio de Zoom o Skype.



Ofrezco tarifas reducidas a personas que se encuentran en circunstancias dificíles, estudiantes o con ingresos muy bajos.

Porfavor contactarme para mas información. 

Home: About Me
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